Thaumcraft 4 Wiki
Thaumcraft 4 Wiki
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"Thaumaturgy... which giveth certain order to make strange works, of the sense to be perceived and of men greatly to be wondered at."

--- Mathematicall Praeface to Euclid's Elements (1570), John Dee

"Thaumaturgy is the capability of a magician to work miracles. A practitioner of thaumaturgy is a thaumaturge, thaumaturgist or miracle worker. This is what this mod is all about - drawing magic from physical objects in the form of Essentia and reshaping it to perform miracles."


Welcome to the Thaumcraft 4 wiki, where we explore the transmundane mysteries of your favorite Minecraft magic mod. Feel free to add any missing information to the wiki but try to make sure the information is accurate before editing. Most importantly, remember that we are a community of fellow Thaumaturges and scholars, so please be courteous to your neighbor.

This wiki does not record information about Thaumcraft 5 and is dedicated solely to information pertaining exclusively and specifically to the latest version of Thaumcraft 4, and to a lesser extent, any addons made for Thaumcraft 4. Contributions that include information detailing the features of Thaumcraft 5 are appreciated but will be rolled back and the contributor will be redirected to the Feed the Beast wiki which already has a well established section about Thaumcraft 5, though it is worthy of mention that Thaumcraft 4's features do not differ very much from Thaumcraft 5 as of yet.

Before you start contributing, it is always important to read the rules of this wiki.

The "Necessary Contributions" page lists commonly-needed work for the wiki. (And "Admin TODO" page for the admins.)

Suggestions for the game are better taken to the page "Thaumcraft's thread on the Official Minecraft Forums".

Starting Off

To get started in Thaumcraft 4, one must first create a wand.

A wand is created like this:

Crafting GUI

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Nugget

Iron Cap

Crafting GUI

Iron Cap


Iron Cap

Iron Capped Wooden Wand

It should be noted that there are multiple types of wands; however, this is the only one a new Thaumaturge has access to.

Once you've created a wand, the next order of business is creating your very own Thaumonomicon. In order to create this guide to all things Thaumcraft, you must right-click a bookshelf while holding your newly-created Iron Capped Wooden Wand (any wand will work if you need another in the future).

Thaumonomicon create bookshelf

This Thaumonomicon will forevermore serve as your guide to Thaumcraft while in game.

Subcategories of Thaumcraft

Help and Useful Links

Need help with editing or with the mod itself? Here are some links that can help you out:

See more help content at Help:Contents.

Administrators Needed

The Thaumcraft 4 Wiki is currently looking for new administrators to help clean the wiki, focus users, and organize pages. Users who show have an interest may PM Hoodai (The creator of the wiki). The criteria we are looking at are contributions, activity, and time account has been active (active on not regardless of time on the Thaumcraft 4 Wiki).

Latest Activity
