The Node Transducer is a block capable of turning aura nodes into energized nodes.
Arcane Crafting Table:
Place a node stabilizer in the middle of the table and put 1 nitor under it, 2 iron ingots on either side and 1 redstone comparator above it. Place redstone blocks in all the corners.
Vis needed:
- 32x Perditio.
- 32x Aer.
- 32x Ignis.

An Energized Node generating 5CV of each aspect.
In order to turn a node into an energetic node, the thaumaturge begins by placing either a node stabilizer or an advanced node stabilizer below it, either of which must be active (not turned off by a redstone signal). Once the stabilizer has activated, A node transducer is placed above the node, and powered with a redstone signal. The node will rapidly lose its vis, and when completely drained, will turn into an energized node.
Note that once a "special" node (Pure, Sinister, Tainted, Hungry) is fully energized, it will lose its power to affect the environment. However (for example), attempting to energize a Hungry node is quite difficult, since it will normally eat the equipment long before the process completes.
Mining or otherwise destroying either the transducer, node or stabilizer while the transducer is working, will cause an explosion and produce a great deal of flux. (The node itself will be utterly destroyed.) Turning off the stabilizer will have similar effects. However, if the node transducer (that is, the redstone power to it) is merely turned off, the node will quietly convert back to normal. However, it will still be completely drained in all aspects and (as usual) likely damaged by this.
Energized nodes no longer store vis internally, instead they produce energy in a continuous form that can be transferred through the air. This is known and measured as "centi-vis" or CV. An energized node produces energy at a given rate for each aspect, in CV/tick, that is 100ths of a vis point per tick. While this may seem small, centivis transmissions are calculated every game tick (1/20 second), and the fractions can add up quickly. The aspect values of an energized node (visible with Goggles or Thaumometer) are in CV/tick.
Centivis can be used by various machines, listed below. For direct access, the machine must be within 8 blocks of the node, and within line-of-sight. However, the energy can be transmitted further by vis relays according to the same rules. Between the node and relays, the energy appears (to magical vision) as a continuous beam. (However, when transmitted to a machine, it appears differently, as sparkling particles drifting from the node or final relay to the machine.) When transmitting centivis, even transparent blocks will interfere with the beam path, but for partial blocks such as stairs, the actual hitbox is considered. The beam can usually pass between two diagonally-placed blocks, but this is not reliable; it seems that such a corner can block transmission if one of the coordinates involved is passing to or from a multiple of 8. If a beam skirts a block too closely, it may visibly blink, in which case the actual transmission of power is likely to be uneven as well.
A node or relay can can pass beams to several devices or relays, but each device or relay can receive power from only one source. An "idle" vis beam will appear dim white. As devices make use of centivis, the beams leading toward the device will brighten, and take on the color of the most-used aspect. Beams can transmit all primal aspects simultaneously, but each relay has a maximum capacity aside from the node's own power limit. This limit is more than high enough for any individual device, but if multiple devices try to draw more power than a relay has available, the relay will silently divide the power among them, leaving some of the devices underpowered. (In general, an underpowered device will merely work more slowly.)
Strength of Energized Nodes[]
An Energized Node will always have only primal aspects with whole-number strengths (measured in CV/tick), based on the aspects of the original node. The final strengths are calculated from the aspects of the original node, as follows:
Any compound aspect counts at full strength for every primal it contains in any part, no matter how many steps are needed to break it down. (Thus Humanus and all its compounds count for all the primals.) For each primal, only the highest valued aspect containing it is counted. The final energized values for each primal is then the square root of the value for that primal, rounded down. After this limit, there can be an extra modifier for node strength: +20% for a Bright node, or -20% for a Pale or Fading node, which is applied before the square root. Note that the maximum value can decrease while the current value becomes 0 with energize. (Example: If you energize when the maximum value is 36, it may decrease to 35 or may not, and the energized value will be 5-6)
For example, a node that starts with [35 Ignis, 70 Limus, 20 Telum] would first break the Limus and Telum down to their respective primal aspects. Limus splits to Aqua and Victus, then Victus splits to Aqua (again) and Terra. So each point of Limus would count for Aqua and Terra, with the node's total potential aspects from Limus being 70 Aqua and 70 Terra. Telum splits to Ignis and Humanus. As above, Humanus contains all the primals, so The Telum in our example node offers 20 in each primal.
The final total primal aspect points for this node would be 20 Aer (Telum), 70 Aqua (Limus), 35 Ignis (Ignis), 20 Ordo (Telum), 20 Perditio (Telum), and 70 Terra (Limus). When energized, this node would produce [4 Aer, 8 Aqua, 5 Ignis, 4 Ordo, 4 Perditio, 8 Terra] CV/tick.
The devices which use centivis are as follows:
- Advanced Alchemical Furnace -- accepts Ignis continously to remain "hot" (ready for use), plus Aqua and Perditio to actually distill items.
- Arcane Bore -- Accepts Perditio to mine blocks rapidly, and to permit a Repair-enchanted pick to actually repair itself.
- Essentia Crystallizer -- accepts Terra to crystalize essentia quickly.
- Flux Scrubber -- accepts Aer to collect and remove flux.
- Focal Manipulator -- accepts any or all aspects to upgrade wand foci.
- Infernal Furnace -- accepts Ignis to smelt items more quickly and efficiently.
- Magical Mirror -- accepts Ordo to "clear" instability from accepting items.
- Vis Charging Relay -- accepts all aspects to charge wands and scepters. It simultaneously doubles as a normal Vis Relay.
There are a couple of special cases:
- Amulet of Vis Storage -- when worn by a player within 3-4 blocks (not the usual 8-block range), it can accept 1 CV/tick in each aspect to charge itself. It does this simultaneously with charging any wand, staff, or scepter which is held in hand.
- Vis Relay -- as above, accepts beams only to transmit the power onward.